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Res 2024-001 approving a sole source contract for the purchase of LaserFlow Sensor and related equipment in the estimated amount of $198,852.00.[Icon] 2
Res 2024-002 approving the contract for the purchase and installation of a dispatch console for first responder radio services to Lower Colorado River Authority ‎(LCRA)‎ in the amount of $160,000.00[Icon] 1
Res 2024-003 approving a contract with Fischer Scientific through the Omnia Partners Cooperative Purchasing for water quality laboratory equipment to perform in-house analytical testing on public drinking water in the amount of $118,654.32[Icon] 1
Res 2024-004 accepting the award of special commissioners in the amount of $271,000.00 in Cause No. 23-1002-C, Hays County Court at Law No. 1, in connection with the city’s acquisition of a wastewater line easement and right-of-way[Icon] 1
Res 2024-005 authorizing a Change Order #1 to the construction contract with Aaron Concrete Contractors, LLC., relating to the Hills of Hays Drainage Improvements Project[Icon] 1
Res 2024-006 approving the award of a construction contract to Sullivan Contracting Services for the provision of remodel construction services for the City of San Marcos Municipal Complex in the estimated amount of $537,510.64[Icon] 1
Res 2024-007 approving funding agreements with Operation Triage and Mission Able in the amounts of $400,000.00 each for a total of $800,000.00 from funds received by the City of San Marcos under the American Rescue Plan[Icon] 1
Res 2024-008 approving Substantial Amendment No. 14 to the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery ‎(CDBG-DR)‎ Action Plan for the purposes of reallocating project funding to different categories or projects[Icon] 2
Res 2024-009/nominating CFAN Company to the office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism[Icon] 2
Res 2024-010 approving a contract with Service First Janitorial for janitorial services for 25 facilities in an amount not to exceed $975,000.00 for the initial 18-month contract term and authorizing up to nine additional one year[Icon] 2
Res 2024-011 approving an agreement with Pape Dawson Engineers to provide professional services related to the Shady Valley Gravel Utility Improvement Project in the amount of $169,935.00[Icon] 20
Res 2024-012 approving an agreement with Halff Associates, Inc. to provide on-call professional services related to Stormwater Master Plan update/development review and modeling assistance in the estimated amount of $950,000.00[Icon] 46
Res 2024-013 authorizing a Change Order ‎(CO#5)‎ to the construction contract with Austin Underground, Inc. relating to the Sessom Drainage and Street Improvements Project, increasing the contract price by $472,771.00[Icon] 1
Res 2024-014 authorizing a Change in Service to the professional services agreements providing On-Call Eminent Domain Legal Services with RMO P.C. and Baker Moran Doggett Ma & Dobbs, LLP increasing each agreement in the amount of $200,000.00[Icon] 2
Res 2024-015 awarding a contract with EBR Enterprises for removal of littoral and riparian invasive vegetation in the estimated annual amount of $29,450.00[Icon] 2
Res 2024-016 awarding a contract with Atlas Environmental, Inc., for aquatic litter removal in the estimated annual amount of $50,400.00, plus up to four one-year extensions for a total estimated contract amount of $252,000.00[Icon] 2
Res 2024-017 authorizing a Change in Service to the agreement with Plummer Associates, Inc. for the provision of services associated with completing a study of water services infrastructure costs for the purpose of updating the city’s impact fee rates[Icon] 8
Res 2024-018 awarding an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity ‎(IDIQ)‎ contract to Xevex Materials, LLC for the provision of ready mixed concrete in an annual amount not to exceed $400,000.00, with four one-year extension options[Icon] 2
Res 2024-019 a multiple use agreement with the State of Texas Department of Transportation for FLOCK safety installation of automated license plate readers along state rights-of-way[Icon] 1
Res 2024-020 providing support for the submission of an application for Low Income Housing Tax Credits ‎(LIHTC)‎ to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for Riverview Apartments located at 601 River Road[Icon] 4
Res 2024-021 approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Incentive Agreement with Buc-ee’s San Marcos, LLC that provides incentives in the form of refunds of 50 percent of sales taxes generated by the company[Icon] 23
Res 2024-022 authorizing proceeding with issuance of Certificates of Obligation and further directing the publication of Notice of Intention to Issue City of San Marcos, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation for certain projects[Icon] 4
Res 2024-023 approving the purchase of a transformer for the Hilltop Substation operated by the San Marcos Electric Utility from the lowest responsible bidder Texas Electric Cooperatives in the amount of $1,645,556.00[Icon] 1
Res 2024-024 adopting the City Council’s Strategic Plan for Fiscal Year 2024-2025[Icon] 15
Res 2024-025 authorizing a change in service to the agreement with the Quetel Corporation to provide for the renewal of evidence management software for use by the Police Department[Icon] 1
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