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Res 2024-051 approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of San Marcos and San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District, allowing for use of school facilities by the city in response to emergencies[Icon] 9
Res 2024-052 approving Change Order No. 4 to the contract with Santa Clara Construction, LTD., for the Blanco Gardens Drainage improvements Project in the amount of $884,001.79[Icon] 1
Res 2024-053 approving a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a purpose-built student housing development generally located on the south side of Lindsey Street between North Comanche Street and North Street,[Icon] 10
Res 2024-054 granting a request in Case No. AC-23-09 for Alternative Compliance to the maximum building height requirements in section of the Development Code to increase the permitted building height from five to seven stories,[Icon] 10
Res 2024-055 appointing a councilmember to the Mental Health Coordinating Committee of the Hays County Behavioral Advisory Team[Icon] 1
Res 2024-056 approving an agreement for the provision of services in connection with the proposed owner requested annexation in Case No. AN-24-02[Icon] 9
Res 2024-057 approving the purchase of a Freightliner Chassis with Vactor 2100i for $553,392.45 from Doggett Freightliner of South Texas LLC., through the Texas BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative, for use by the Water/Wastewater Department[Icon] 1
Res 2024-058 approving an agreement with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. for the provision of professional engineering services for the Rattler Road Waterline Extension Project for $147,009.10[Icon] 36
Res 2024-059 approving an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with Hays County providing for the installation of city waterline facilities in conjunction with the Old Bastrop Highway[Icon] 3
Res 2024-060 authorizing the submission of two grant applications to the Office of the Governor's Public Safety Office for Fiscal Year 2025 State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program[Icon] 2
Res 2024-061 approving the reallocation of $982,063.00 in funds received by the City of San Marcos under the American Rescue Plan to support the recovery of the community from COVID-19[Icon] 3
Res 2024-062 approving a contract renewal agreement with Austin Wood Recycling, Inc., for Wood Grinding Services for use by the Neighborhood Enhancement Department and increasing the contract amount by $26,000.00 for a total contract amount of $130,000.00[Icon] 3
Res 2024-063 approving a professional services agreement with Ardurra, Inc., to provide owner advisor services for the second Wastewater Treatment Plant Project, in the estimated amount of $3,896,204.00[Icon] 1
Res 2024-064 approving an On-Call Professional Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., for engineering planning, design, permitting, bid, and construction phase services related to potential upgrades[Icon] 10
Res 2024-065 approving the submittal of the 2024 revised Water Conservation Plan and Revised 2024 Drought Response Plan to the Texas Water Development Board[Icon] 1
Res 2024-067 supporting the granting of economic development incentives[Icon] 1
Res 2024-068 approving an amended template for Standard City Board and Commission Bylaws[Icon] 1
Res 2024-069 approving an agreement providing for the city to sell water on a temporary basis to the City of Kyle[Icon] 7
Res 2024-070 approving an agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., to provide on-call Transportation Planning and Design Services in the estimated amount of $300,000.00[Icon] 17
Res 2024-071 approving a fourth Change in Service to the professional services agreement with BGE, Inc., relating to the Wallace Offsite Drainage Improvements Project[Icon] 3
Res 2024-072 approving an agreement with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ‎(“TCEQ”)‎, an agency of the State of Texas, for grant funding in an amount not to exceed $120,000.00 to help support construction costs[Icon] 2
Res 2024-073 approving an agreement with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ‎(“TCEQ”)‎ for grant funding in an amount not to exceed $199,999.80 to help support construction costs associated with green stormwater[Icon] 2
Res 2024-074 approving a funding agreement with Surge Soccer Club ‎(Surge)‎ allowing for American Rescue Plan Act ‎(ARPA)‎ funds to provide scholarships for participation in youth sport leagues by underserved youth and families negatively affected by COVID-19[Icon] 4
Res 2024-075 approving a funding agreement with San Marcos Youth Baseball and Softball Association ‎(SMYBSA)‎ allowing for American Rescue Plan Act ‎(ARPA)‎ funds to provide scholarships for participation in youth sport leagues[Icon] 4
Res 2024-076 approving the American Express Partners in Preservation: Main Streets Grant from the National Trust for Historical Preservation in the amount of $150,000.00 for repairs to the Dunbar School Home Economics Building[Icon] 5
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