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Regular Meeting March 6, 2007 Page4 <br />are about the same. Dr. Thomaides inquired to whether Dr. Tajalli felt it <br />would be beneficial to provide ideas for next year's report. Dr. Tajalli <br />stated he feels there should be a communal effort to come up with questions <br />for the citizens of San Marcos. Mr. Jones inquired to whether there is <br />statistical analysis for discrimination and racial profiling, in regards to <br />the student statistic on their feelings toward Police Officers. Dr. <br />Tajalli stated in the discrimination and racial profiling report, there is <br />no segment for Students. Mr. Jones inquired to whether there was a table <br />which shows students are satisfied or dissatisfaction with police and <br />environmental protection. Dr. Tajalli stated there is a table that <br />addresses these issues, which there wasn't a statistically significant <br />difference between the different groups. Mayor Narvaiz inquired to how <br />many surveys were mailed and how many responses were received. Dr. Tajalli <br />stated there was 3000 surveys mailed out in both English and Spanish and <br />only about 350 were returned. Mayor Narvaiz inquired to the top 5 <br />priorities and how these choices were arrived at. Dr. Tajalli stated the <br />survey asked for citizens to describe their priorities; made 20 categories <br />and reported the top 5, which was also broken down for priorities from <br />different groups. <br />Mayor Narvaiz stated she is moving Item 21 up. Mayor Narvaiz introduced <br />adoption of Ordinance on emergency, the caption which was read as follows: <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS <br />AMENDING THE TRAFFIC REGISTER MAINTAINED UNDER SECTION 82.067 OF <br />THE SAN MARCOS CITY CODE BY THE ADDITION OF TIME - RESTRICTED <br />PARKING ALONG THE 1400 BLOCK OF ALAMO AND COX STREETS, INCLUDING <br />PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS; ESTABLISHING A TOWAWAY ZONE; PROVIDING FOR <br />PENALTIES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />Mayor Narvaiz stated citizens have signed up to speak on this Item. 1) <br />Kenneth Dees encouraged the Council to adopt this Ordinance. He stated <br />since the no parking signs have been put up, there is now an average of 5 -6 <br />cars parked by the park with limited parking. He encouraged the Council <br />to act with the University to solve this problem. 2) Irene Hindson stated <br />she agreed with everything Mr. Dees stated. She thanked the Council and <br />the Engineering Department for working with her neighborhood. She <br />encouraged the Council to amend the Ordinance to extend until 6:30 pm <br />instead of 4:30 pm. and to also consider including Ridgewood. 3) Denise <br />Ralph encouraged the Council to extend the hours and to include Ridgewood. <br />She stated without including Ridgewood, it will be difficult for park users <br />to use the park. Mr. Thomaides moved for adoption of Ordinance on emergency <br />and Mr. Bose seconded the motion. Mr. Thomaides stated this is a situation <br />of were parking on a street is restricted then the parking moves to another <br />street. He stated citizens need to be able to the park. He stated he <br />supports extending the no parking hours. Mr. Jones stated he feels this is <br />only solving the problem for a short time and the problem will continue to <br />