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(17)MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Bose and a second by Councilmember • <br />Couch, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve Resolution 2009- <br />66R, as previously captioned. The motion carried unanimously. <br />END OF CONSENT AGENDA <br />21. Consider appointments to the following Boards and Commissions: <br />A. Beautification <br />B. Grow One Task Force (per EDSM recommendations) <br />Kim Lloyd and Belinda Rodriquez were appointed to the Beautification Committee. <br />The City Council accepted the recommendations of the EDSM and appointed the following to <br />the Grow One Task Force: <br />Kevin Carswell, Daniel Guerrero, Ryan Perkins, Kay Wilson, Donna Hill, Ryan Thomason, <br />Chuck Swallow, Skyleen Mabry, and Juan Vasquez. <br />22. Consider an ordinance amending Sections 82.232, 82.235, and 82.239 of the San Marcos <br />Code to require the submission of parade permit applications not less than fifteen (15) days <br />prior to the parade; requiring the Chief of Police to provide a written explanation for <br />denial of a parade permit; providing for appeal of the denial of a parade permit to the City <br />Manager; including procedural provisions; and providing an effective date, and consider <br />ordinance on the first of two readings. <br />MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Couch and a second by Councilmember <br />Thomaides, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the ordinance <br />on the first of two readings. The motion carried unanimously. <br />23. Consider an ordinance amending Section 2.041 of the San Marcos City Code to set the <br />first Monday in November as a regular council meeting date, including procedural <br />provisions; and providing an effective date, and consider ordinance on the first of two <br />readings. <br />MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Jones and a second by Councilmember <br />Couch, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the ordinance on <br />the first of two readings. The motion carried unanimously. <br />24. Consider an ordinance extending the hours for the sale of beer and mixed beverages for <br />on-premises consumption; providing for periodic review of the effectiveness of this <br />ordinance and its impact on the community; reserving the City's right to repeal this <br />ordinance; providing for amendment of conditional use permits previously issued for on- <br />premise consumption of alcoholic beverages to allow the sale of beer and mixed beverages <br />during the late hours hereby adopted; including procedural provisions and declaring an <br />effective date; and consider ordinance on the first of two readings. • <br />RM050509 Minutes Page 4