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26 <br /> <br />Regular Meeting <br /> <br />October 18, 1982 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />MARCOS, TEXAS, APPROVING THE SUBMISSION OF A "SMALL <br />CITIES" COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION TO THE <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN THE <br />AMOUNT OF $500,000 FOR USE IN THE VICTORY GARDENS <br />AND DUNBAR AREAS. <br /> <br />Mrs. Mendez moved for the adoption of the Resolution and Mr. Brown <br />seconded the motion. David Valle said it would be necessary to sub- <br />mit the application no later than November 8, 1982. The improvements <br />needed in the area are paving of certain streets. He said a public <br />hearing would be held at 5:30 p.m. on October 21, 1982 in the Council <br />Chambers to receive public input on the project. * The Council voted <br />unanimously in favor of the adoption of the Resolution. <br /> <br />Mayor Craddock introduced for consideration the adoption of a Resolu- <br />tion, the caption which was read as follows: <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />MARCOS, TEXAS, DIRECTING CHARLES WILLIS TO PREPARE <br />AND SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINI- <br />STRATION FOR AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS AND RETAINING <br />CHARLES WILLIS TO PREPARE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR <br />APPROVED PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL AVIA- <br />TION ADMINISTRATION CRITERIA; AUTHORIZING CITY MAN- <br />AGER OF SAID CITY TO SUBMIT THE APPLICATION TO FED- <br />ERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION AND DECLARING AN EF- <br />FECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br />Mr. Brown moved for the adoption of the Resolution and Mrs. Norris <br />seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Craddock introduced reconsideration for approval of new termi- <br />nology and the specified lease term in the Agricultural Lease at the <br />Airport, which had been awarded to Tietjen/Onheiser, a partnership at <br />the October 11, 1982 Regular Meeting of the City Council. Chuck Wil- <br />lis suggested in Section VI (Term of the Lease) in the second sentence <br />the sentence read as follows: "It is further understood and agreed <br />that, upon mutual agreement of the parties . ." Mayor Craddock <br />asked City Attorney Barbara Edwards' advice pertaining to the changes <br />suggested by Mr. Willis. She recommended the Council have the Lessee <br />agree to any changes in the form of a letter to be attached to the <br />Minutes, rather than actually change the Lease. Mayor Craddock then <br />moved the above recommendation of Mr. Willis to add "mutual" be <br />stricken, as the term was redundant, and Mrs. Norris seconded the <br />motion, which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Two other suggested changes of Mr. Willis' are in Section XIII (Use <br />Plan) to change the word review to "approval" and in Section VI (Term <br />of the Lease) in the first sentence to change as follows: ". a <br />term of approximately five (5) calendar years." Mrs. Norris moved <br />that in Section XIII review be changed to "approval" and that a speci- <br />fied lease term commence on October 12, 1982 and end August 30, 1987, <br />and that these two proposed terms be presented to the Lessee <br />for approval in letter form and attach to these minutes, and Mr. Brown <br />seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Craddock introduced for consideration approval to award bid on <br />the Fire Station Communications Room. Mrs. Norris moved award of bid <br />be made to Stokes Construction in the amount of $19,218.00 and directed <br />Staff to prepare a Budget Amendment Ordinance for presentation to the <br />Council, and Mr. Farr seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />* Mr. Kreczmer was present to vote on this Resolution. <br /> <br /> <br />