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<br />100 . <br /> <br />Mr~ Barbee asked that the council give him and the Mayor authority m <br />sign a $3,500.00 note to the First National Bank for the purchase of <br />said lots. Alderman Smith made a motion that 1~. Barbee and Mayor <br />Dietterich be authorized to sign a ;if) ,500.00 note for the purpose of <br />purchasing lots for the fire stations. Alderman Bill seconded the <br />motion. A vote was taken which resulted unanimously in favor of the <br />motion. <br /> <br />o <br />[.I.j <br />o <br />:c: <br />Q,. <br /> <br />Mr. Barbee then requested that the Council authorize Mayor Dietterich <br />and himself to sign any future notes that might be needed for the $85,000.00 <br />Fire station Warrant Fund. He stated that each time a note is needed, <br />the Council will be notified, even though a blanket authority has been <br />given. Alderman Smith made a motion that Mayor Dietterich and Mr. Barbee <br />be authorized to sign any future notes that may be needed for the I <br />Fire station Warrant Fund. Alderman Hill seconded the motion. A <br />vote was taken which resulted unanimously in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />I~. Barbee then requested that the council approve an $8,000.00 note <br />to be deposited in the Street Improvement F~nd in order that Mr. Bowden <br />can be paid for work done on the'streets. Alderman Smith made a <br />motion that Mayor Dietterich and Mr. Barbee be authorized to sign <br />an $8,000.00 note to the First National Bank, the money to be deposited <br />to the Street Warrant Fund. Alderman Beecroft seconded the motion. <br />A vote was taken which resulted unanimously in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />The Business and Professional Women's Club made a request that they <br />be allowed to sell cakes in the City Hall Lobby next week. Alderman <br />Allen made a motion that permission be granted to the Business & <br />Professional Women's Club to sell cakes in the lobby, as the proceeds <br />will be used for a charitable cause, Alderman De Viney seconded the <br />motion. A vote was taken which resulted unanimously in favor of the <br />motion. <br /> <br />Mr. Ike Wranitzky, from Uhland, Texas, met with the Council repre- <br />senting his community to ask for favorable consideration of an applica- <br />tion for water from San Marcos city supply. He stated that many of the <br />wells were dry and several communities were in great need of water. <br />Mr. Wranitzky stated that an engineer from Austin had met with the <br />people of those communitEs to try to determine how many will need I <br />water and which place would be the best and cheapest source of supply. <br />He sts.ted that the area needing water extends east of Kyle and over <br />to Niederwald. plans are in the making of forming a water <br />district. It was the opinion of the Council that the City of San <br />Marcos would give favorable thought to the matter, and take action <br />at a later date, after the consulting engineers have compiled their <br />information. <br /> <br />A. plat of the San Marcos Heights Addition was presented to the <br />Council for approval. Mr. Jim Moore, who presented the plat, told <br />the council that he had set the width of Holland st, at 40 feet. <br />There was a discussion on this plat, after which, Alderman Allen <br />made a motion that an ordinance approving the plat be adopted, <br />provided Austin street ia widened 'to 40 feet. Alder~man Beecroft <br />seconded the motion. A vote was taken which resulted unanimously <br />in favor of the motion. The ordinance and plat follows these <br />minutes and is a part hereof. - <br /> <br />Mr. Barbee reported that Chief of Folice Bill Allbright has <br />requested that the Council approve a speed zone on the seguin HWY. <br />coming into San Marcos. He suggested that it be a 50 mile speed <br />zone at the City Limit line, a 40 mile speed zone at the school <br />and a 30 mile speed zone at the Circle. Alderman Hill made a <br />motion that the above speed zones be approved. Alderman Allen <br />seconded the motion, A vote was taken which resulted unanimously <br />in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />An ORDINANCE entitled "MUNICIPAL !'fiAINTENANCE ORDINANCE" and <br />a MUrlbipal Maintenance Agreement with the Texas Highway Department <br />were presented to the Council for adoptmon and approval. Alderman <br />Hill made a motion that the ordinance be adopted and that the agree- <br />ment be signed by the Mayor. Alderman De viney seconded the motion. <br />A vote was taken which resulted unanimously in favor of the motion. <br />The ordinance and agreement follows these minutes and is a part hereof. <br /> <br />The Chamber of Commerce and Retail Merchants' Association has <br />requested a list of all water customers and a monthly list of the <br />changes of address. After a discussion, the Council unanimously <br />agreed to table this matter until a later date. <br />