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<br /> !Q1 The only issues to be decided at the hearina are whether there are three or <br /> more outstandina parkina citations related to the vehicle. whether full payment or a <br /> payment plan on the outstandina parkina citations has been made with the Court. and <br /> whether a compellina reason exists to not immobilize or impound the motor vehicle. <br /> Sec. 82.176. Issuance of immobilizing and impoundment order. <br /> (§} If a hearina is reQuested and held. and the Court determines that a vehicle <br /> will be immobilized or impounded. the Judae will issue a written order directina any police <br /> officer or parkina technician of the City to immobilize and impound the vehicle. The Court <br /> will also char e a hearin fee of 50.00 that is se arate from the immobilization fee. <br /> f!2l If the municipal court does not receive a reQuest for a hearina from the <br /> owner of the motor vehicle or the owner's representative within 15 days from the date the <br /> notice reQuired bv Section 82.174 was mailed. or if the owner or owner's representative <br /> fails to attend a reQuested hearina. the Judae of the Municipal Court will issue a written <br /> order directina the immobilizina and impoundment of the vehicle. <br /> fçl Upon a determination bv the Judae of the Municipal Court that a vehicle <br /> should be immobilized or impounded. the Court will inform the owner or the owner's <br /> representative of the determination. in person if they appear at a hearina or in writina. <br /> sent by certified mail to the last known reaistered owner of the vehicle. <br /> íQl. The determination of the Court in a hearina held under this Article is not <br /> evidence in any criminal court trial on the parkina citations aivina rise to the hearina under <br /> this Article. <br /> Sec. 82.177. Inteñerence with immobilization and impoundment prohibited. <br /> !§1 It is unlawful for any person to obstruct. prevent. hinder or interfere with any <br /> person executina an order of immobilization and impoundment. <br /> ß2l It is unlawful for any person to tamper with. deface. or damaae an <br /> immobilization device, or attempt to remove the device when it has been installed. <br /> Sec. 82.178. Execution of immobilization order. <br /> (§} Anv city police officer or parkina technician may immobilize a vehicle under <br /> a municipal court order by the installation or attachment of a device desianed to restrict <br /> the normal movement of a vehicle. <br /> ß2l When a vehicle is immobilized. the person executina the order shall <br /> conspicuously attach to the vehicle a written notice on a form provided by the city. worded <br /> substantially as follows: <br /> ill The vehicle has been immobilized pursuant to court order. and any <br /> attempted movement mav cause damaae to the vehicle; <br /> <br /> .ø It is unlawful for any person to tamper with. deface. damaae. or <br /> attempt to remove an immobilization device when it has been <br /> attached to a vehicle: <br /> <br /> @l Instructions on havina the vehicle released may be obtained by <br /> callina the Municipal Court or the Police Department: and <br /> <br /> ffi The vehicle will be towed and impounded after 48 hours if the owner <br /> of the vehicle or the owner's representative has not arranaed to have <br /> the immobilization device removed by the City. <br /> <br /> - 3 - <br />