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Ord 2015-028/Consider a petition by Highpointe Investments, LLC for voluntary annexation and annexing for all purposes, a 417.630 +/- acre tract of land out of the William H. Van Horn Survey, Abstract No. 464, Hays County, Texas. Being a portion of thos[Icon] 11
Ord 2015-029/consider the annexation of 965.00 +/- acres, consisting of multiple tracts of land and associated rights-of-way, located within 13 separate areas within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction ‎(ETJ)‎ as guided by the City of San Marcos Annexation/E[Icon] 51
Ord 2015-030/Parklets, sidewalk cafes and other uses of rights-of way[Icon] 9
Ord 2015-031/amending the Official Zoning Map of the City by rezoning lots 5-A and 5-B, McKinley Place Subdivision, Section 3, located on the east side of Sadler Drive, southwest of Wonder World from “PDD” Planned Development District to “OP” Office Prof[Icon] 4
Ord 2015-032/Election Ordinance for November 3, 2015 Election[Icon] 6
Ord 2015-033/City Fees update[Icon] 7
Ord 2015-034/Adopting budget FY 2015-2016[Icon] 36
Ord 2015-035/Tax Rate[Icon] 2
Ord 2015-036/increasing rates established for Water, Wholesale Water, Reclaimed Water, Wastewater Treatment, and Sewer Surcharges[Icon] 3
Ord 2015-037/Solid Waste[Icon] 2
Ord 2015-041/Surface water treatment plant is set at $0.4175 per thousand gallons[Icon] 1
Ord 2015-042/Trace – Highpointe PDD[Icon] 216
Ord 2015-043/deleting Section 62.190 of the San Marcos City Code which provides for assignment pay for Fire Department personnel performing specialized services due to inclusion of assignment pay terms in the City’s Meet and Confer agreement[Icon] 2
Ord 2015-044/Senior Citizens Advisory board[Icon] 2
Ord 2015-045/Airport Commission to Advisory committee[Icon] 3
Ord 2015-046/amending Chapter 10 of the San Marcos City Code titled Aviation pertaining to the San Marcos Regional Airport[Icon] 16
Ord 2015-047/EDSM[Icon] 2
Ord 2015-048/approving a request by Vigil & Associates for an amendment to the Preferred Scenario Map of the City’s Comprehensive Plan to change the Land Use Designation for a 116.628 acre, more or less, tract of land out of the Blanco Riverwalk Subdivisi[Icon] 8
Ord 2015-049/amending Section 74.027 of the San Marcos City Code to allow temporary street closures for certain purposes[Icon] 3
Ord 2015-050/Hands-free Ordinance[Icon] 4
Ord 2015-051/Canvassing Returns and Declaring results of the general and special election[Icon] 10
Ord 2015-052/creating a designated permit area under Section 82.189 of the San Marcos City Code that allows parking by permit only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday t[Icon] 4
Ord 2015-053/amending Chapter 66, Titled Solid Waste, of the City Code by adding new section 66.002 to create a Clean Community Fee to be collected from residents and commercial businesses in the City to enhance the beautification and cleanliness of the C[Icon] 2
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