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Res 2015-152/approving the sale of 1,996 square feet of land located at 2701 Ranch Road 12 near the intersection with Wonder World Drive to the State of Texas at a price of $7,257 for the RM 12 Parkway Project[Icon] 13
Res 2015-153/Police Department Technology Mobility Project[Icon] 2
Res 2015-154/approving the conveyance of portions of City property along Sessom Drive and Vista Street to Texas State University in exchange for adjacent property and easements necessary to facilitate the realignment of Sessom Drive and various utilities[Icon] 6
Res 2015-155/Emergency Declaration[Icon] 1
Res 2015-156/authorizing the filing of a Grant application with the Capital Area Council of Governments for a FY 2016–2017 Regional Solid Waste Grants Program Grant in the amount of $8,550.00 for recycling containers[Icon] 2
Res 2015-157/authorizing the filing of a Grant application with the Capital Area Council of Governments for a FY 2016–2017 Regional Solid Waste Grants Program Grant in the amount of $10,500.00 for household hazardous waste disposal costs[Icon] 2
Res 2015-158/authorizing the filing of a Grant application with the Capital Area Council of Governments for a FY 2016–2017 grant for a Forklift[Icon] 2
Res 2015-159/approving an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the City of New Braunfels for a cooperative purchasing program[Icon] 7
Res 2015-160/approving a professional engineering services agreement between the City and Unintech Consulting Engineers, inc. for the provision of professional services in connection with the Mill Street Improvements project in the not-to-exceed amount o[Icon] 55
Res 2015-161/approving the purchase of a 2016 Dodge 4500 crew truck for the Public Services Department–Electric Utilities Division from Altec Industries, Inc. through the Texas Comptroller of Public Account’s Texas Multiple Award Schedule for Constructio[Icon] 1
Res 2015-162/approving the purchase of two bucket trucks for the Public Services Department–Electric Utilities division from Altec Industries, Inc. through the Texas Comptroller of Public Account’s Texas Multiple Award schedule for construction equipment[Icon] 1
Res 2015-163/approving an Annual State Use Contract between the City and Goodwill Temporary Services, Inc. through TIBH Industries, Inc. for the provision of Janitorial Services for the City of San Marcos in the estimated annual amount of $414,458.04[Icon] 49
Res 2015-164/approving and ratifying an amended and restated Interlocal agreement with Hays County related to cooperative disaster relief efforts involving debris removal and disposal of household hazardous waste[Icon] 7
Res 2015-165/directing City Staff to not accept any applications for financial incentives for Residential Developments, including Public Improvement Districts, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones, Chapter 380 Economic Development Grants or similar incentive[Icon] 2
Res 2015-166/casting all of the City’s 426 votes in favor of Shane Scott to serve on the Hays Central Appraisal District Board of Directors for a two year term commencing on January 1, 2016[Icon] 1
Res 2015-167/approving an Economic Development Incentive Agreement, pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code ‎(“LDC”)‎, between the City of San Marcos and Verts Kebap, Inc. that grants a waiver of the requirement under Section of th[Icon] 6
Res 2015-168/approving an Economic Development Incentive Agreement, pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code ‎(“LDC”)‎, between the City of San Marcos and Stamper Family, L.L.C. that grants a waiver of the requirement under Section o[Icon] 6
Res 2015-169/adopting guiding principles for the 2016 City of San Marcos Federal Policy Program activities[Icon] 4
Res 2015-170/approving an amendment to the Service Contract for Water Treatment Facilities Operations and Asset Management between the City and the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority to extend the contract for an additional five year term and modifying the[Icon] 3
Res 2015-171/approving a lease with Martin Marietta Materials Southwest, Inc., leasing the City’s right to withdraw 165 acre feet of water from the Edwards Aquifer during the lease term beginning on December 1, 2015 and ending on December 31, 2015[Icon] 13
Res 2015-172/approving a second amendment to the interlocal agreement with the Lone Star Rail District to allow the City to make withdrawals from the Tax Increment fund to pay for City projects within the zone; extending the term of the agreement by an ad[Icon] 6
Res 2015-173/will be considered on January 5, 2016: adopting a policy regarding the use of the City of San Marcos Economic Development Supplemental Fund[Icon] 3
Res 2015-174/approving a professional engineering services agreement between the City and Freese and Nichols, Inc. for the provision of professional services in connection with the Main Lift Station Force Main Replacement and Reclaimed Water Improvements[Icon] 31
Res 2015-175/approving an amendment to a Lease of Airport Property at 1993 Airport Drive with Redbird Flight Simulations, Inc.[Icon] 6
Res 2015-176/approving an annual agreement between the City and Techline, Inc. for the provision of Interim Inventory and Warehouse Management Services for the Public Services Department[Icon] 15
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177 Entries
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