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Res 2022-001/approving the award of a professional services contract to HDR Engineering, Inc. for the CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT Support On-Call Agreement in an amount not-to-exceed $500,000 for a term of three years[Icon] 1
Res 2022-002/approving an Interlocal Funding Agreement with Hays County relating to the testing of drug evidence by the Texas Department of Public Safety[Icon] 1
Res 2022-003/approving a contract with SHI Government Solutions, Inc., through the Texas BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative for the purchase of Nearmap GIS Software for a term of three years in the amount of $53,750.00[Icon] 1
Res 2022-004/awarding a contract to Fleet Analytics, LLC for an annual subscription, technical support and software maintenance of an Automated Vehicle Location ‎(AVL)‎ System for a term of five years in the total contract amount of $213,000.00[Icon] 1
Res 2022-005/approving Change Services to the agreements with the five firms previously selected to provide professional surveyor services to the City on an as-needed basis for various City projects by increasing the not-to-exceed amount of each contra[Icon] 2
Res 2022-006/Approving an agreement for the provision of services in connection with the proposed owner request annexation in case AN 22-05 od Approx 2.57 Acreas of land[Icon] 12
Res 2022-008/approving Change Services to the contract with Alliance Transportation Group Inc. through the Houston-Galveston Area Council Cooperative Purchasing Program to add services relating to a Federal Transit Administration required audit in the[Icon] 1
Res 2022-009/providing no objection to the submission of application for Low Income Housing Tax Credits ‎(LIHTC)‎ to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for the existing Champions Crossing multifamily housing project located at 345 Cham[Icon] 3
Res 2022-010/Approvielopment agreement with Lazy Oaks Ranch assigneed in connection with La Cima development intersection of old Ranch Rd 12 and Wonder World Dr provides additional standards for the1st phase multifamily[Icon] 1
Res 2022-011/approving agreement with Charles D. Nash Jr. for the City to purchase three parcels of land totaling 4.88 acres in the vicinity of the IH-35 Southbound Frontage Road near the intersection of Carlson Circle and River Ridge Parkway for a pur[Icon] 5
Res 2022-012/authorizing an agreement with the TXDot for the City of San Marcos to assume operation and maintenance of existing traffic signals due to an increased population exceeding 50,000 as required by state law and an ag[Icon] 18
Res 2022-013/awarding a construction contract to Myers Concrete Construction LP, for the San Marcos Downtown Accessible Pedestrian Traffic Signal Improvements project in the total amount of $368,052.04[Icon] 1
Res 2022-014/authorizing a Change in Service to the project management services agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group relating to management of City Bond Projects to extend the contract end date to December 31, 2022 at no additional cost to the City[Icon] 1
Res 2022-015/approving agreement with Randall Morris & Company to purchase a drainage easement across 0.1950 acres located at 708 River Rd, with a temporary workspace license, for a price of $80,882.00, the Blanco Gardens Drainage Improvements Project[Icon] 5
Res 2022-017/authorizing Change in Service to the agreement with AT&T Mobility II, Inc. and NetMotion Wireless to provide software maintenance for use by city employees who use their devices in locations other City property to be renewed in the estimate[Icon] 1
Res 2022-018/approving agreement with AWS Communications, through the Department of Information Resources Purchasing Cooperative, for the purchase and installation of the Public Services Complex Cellular Distributed Antenna System ‎(DAS)‎ in the estimate[Icon] 1
Res 2022-019/approving a Professional Services Agreement with Halff and Associates, Inc. to provide consulting services for development of the preliminary design report for the San Marcos Riverfront Parks project in the estimated amount of $181,965.00[Icon] 1
Res 2022-020/approving a Professional Services Agreement with Halff and Associates, Inc. to provide consulting services for the development of the San Marcos Natural Area Land Management Plan in the estimated amount of $99,760.00[Icon] 1
Res 2022-021/approving an agreement with ZNet Tech LLC, through the General Services Administration Purchasing Cooperative, for the purchase of the FARO 3D Laser Measurement System to assist the San Marcos Police Department estimated amount of $91,690.50[Icon] 1
Res 2022-022/authorizing a Change Order to the construction contract with Seidel Construction, LLC relating to Fire Station No. 6 to provide for a redesigned HVAC System in the amount of $108,486.00[Icon] 1
Res 2022-023/approving contract with Stryker Sales Corporation, through the Texas SmartBuy Purchasing Cooperative, for the purchase of a Lifepak 15 Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator and Lucas 3 Chest Compression System for use by the San Marcos Fire Departm[Icon] 1
Res 2022-024/awarding a construction contract to Archer Western for the Surface Water Treatment Plant Improvements project in the total amount of $12,945,554.10 with the City’s portion being $5,863,444.05 pursuant to the terms of an interlocal agreement[Icon] 1
Res 2022-025/approving an Interlocal Agreement with the Alliance Regional Water Authority ‎(ARWA)‎ providing for joint participation in the design and construction of improvements related to the delivery of Carrizo Aquifer groundwater to San Marcos[Icon] 1
Res 2022-026/Approving professional agreement with plummer Associates water modeling projections[Icon] 1
Res 2022-027/Approving for the city to purchase a drainage easement with Tx Waterfront Investmentsapprox .1650 acreas of land at 700 River Rd with temp liceende price $98,224[Icon] 1
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