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Ord 2021-094/amending the Official Zoning Map of the City in Case ZC-21-22, by rezoning approximately 12.75 acres of land, described as Lot 3A of the Replat of Lot 3A, Block 1, Section 2, McKinley Place, located at 1250 Wonder World Drive, from[Icon] 8
Ord 2021-001/annexing into the City approximately 73.412 +/- acres out of the Joel Miner Survey, Abstract No. 321, Hays County, generally located at 2811 Harris Hill Road in Case No. AN-20-11[Icon] 24
Ord 2021-002/Rezoning of Harris Hill[Icon] 11
ORD 2021-004/granting an easement to the Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative for the installation of electric infrastructure to serve the City’s new Public Service Center[Icon] 3
Ord 2021-005/amending sections and and Chapter 8, Article 1 of the City’s Development Code by, among other things, including limitations on turfgrass installed in new developments, requiring the use drought-tolerant turf[Icon] 6
Ord 2021-006/amending section 14.126 of the San Marcos City Code concerning Landscape Irrigation Systems to require separate irrigation meters in new development[Icon] 3
Ord 2021-007/amending Chapter 2, Code of Ethics requiring ethics complaints to be sworn before a notary public; establishing a six month time period to file a complaint regarding an alleged violation[Icon] 5
Ord 2021-010/ City’s 2019-2020FY budget amendment[Icon] 4
Ord 2021-011/City’s 2020-2021FY budget amendment[Icon] 4
Ord 2021-012/CVB Board Composition Ordinance Amendment[Icon] 2
Ord 2021-013/Update to City Ordinance Section 86.003. - Extensions and connections to city water or wastewater system outside the city limits[Icon] 2
Ord 2021-014/granting a temporary waiver of permit fees for plumbing repairs made necessary by the 2021 Presidents Day Winter Storm Event and ratifying any fee waivers administratively approved for this purpose prior to February 24, 2021[Icon] 2
Ord 2021-015/amending the Official Zoning Map of the City in Case No. ZC-21-02 by designating the property at 200 West MLK Drive, currently the location of the Calaboose African American History Museum, as a local historic landmark[Icon] 2
Ord 2021-016/amending Chapters 3 and 4 of the San Marcos Development Code and Appendix A, Article 1 of the Design Manual, by, among other things, updating provisions concerning nonconforming streetscapes, the Character District 5 Downtown[Icon] 83
Ord 2021-017/adopting Youth Programs Standards of Care for 2021[Icon] 15
Ord 2021-018/approve Deeds with access easements to Hays County for FM 110 ROW and drainage easements associated with FM 110[Icon] 2
ORD 2021-019/Annexing into the City approx 3.62 acres of land on Rattler Rd between Old Bastrop and Hwy 123.[Icon] 6
ORD 2021-020/Amending the official zoning map of the city in Case No. ZC-20-16 by rezoning approx 3.62 acres from2835 Rattler Rd[Icon] 4
ORD 2021-023/Amending San Marcos City Code to continue the residential home improvement exemptions[Icon] 4
ORD 2021-024/authorizing the conveyance, at no cost, of City-owned lots located at 404 Broadway ‎(also addressed as 501-503 Parkdale Drive)‎, 300 Herndon, 318 Shady Lane and 207 South Comanche[Icon] 2
ORD 2021-025 Granting to Maxwell Special Utility District[Icon] 12
ORD 2021-026/extending by five years the period within which Development Permits may be requested for development as allowed by the Planned Development District ‎(“PDD”)‎[Icon] 2
ORD 2021-028/amending certain funds in the City’s 2020-2021 Fiscal Year budget to allocate funds made available due to the Award to the City of CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds[Icon] 2
ORD 2021-029/temporarily changing the method for calculating residential Wastewater Rates established by Ordinance No. 2007-54 by excluding the month of February 2021 from the months used to calculate average water consumption[Icon] 2
ORD 2021-030/annexing into the City approximately 23.2 acres of land generally located at the Northeast corner of Redwood Road and South Old Bastrop Hwy ‎(Case No. AN-20-10)‎[Icon] 4
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