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Res 2015-001/authorizing the submission of a grant application to the United States Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency ‎(the “U.S. DHS-FEMA”)‎ for an FY 2014 Assistance to Firefighters Grant ‎(“AFG”)‎ in the estimated amount[Icon] 2
Res 2015-002/awarding an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity ‎(IDIQ)‎ Master Contract for Traffic Signal Construction and Maintenance to Austin Traffic Signal Construction Company, Inc. in the estimated annual amount of $534,470.00[Icon] 1
Res 2015-003/approving the annual renewal of the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement with SHI Government Solutions for software licenses[Icon] 1
Res 2015-004/Due to failure to garner a majority, the motion died[Icon] 1
Res 2015-005/approving interlocal contract with EAA, Texas State University for the expansion of the COSM Reclaimed Water System[Icon] 29
Res 2015-006/approving fourth amended and restated contract for collection and disposal of solid waste and recyclable materials with TDS[Icon] 5
Res 2015-007/approving a license agreement with Continental Homes of Texas, L.P[Icon] 39
Res 2015-008/grant application by the Community Services Department- Animal Services Division to the Department of State Health Services to secure $20,000.00 in an Animal Friendly Grant to fund the City’s Spay/Neuter Program[Icon] 1
Res 2015-009/adopting guiding principles for the 2015 City of San Marcos Federal Policy Program[Icon] 4
Res 2015-010/agreement between the City and Freese and Nichols, Inc. for the provision of Professional Engineering Services in connection with The Hopkins Street: Bishop to Moore Improvements Project[Icon] 44
Res 2015-011/amendment No. 1 to the Service Contract for Wastewater Treatment Facilities Operations and Maintenance between the City and CH2M Hill[Icon] 9
Res 2015-012/Wastewater Master Plan[Icon] 14
Res 2015-013/Amendment to and renewal for an additional five years of an Agreement for Airport Management Services with Texas Aviation Partners, L.L.C.;[Icon] 44
Res 2015-014/Release of an Electric Utility Easement across Lot 1 of the Simon Addition[Icon] 4
Res 2015-015/Access Easement Agreement with the Trust for Public Land under which the City will grant access across an existing roadway within the Purgatory Creek Natural Area to 110 acres out of a tract of land known as the Wildenthal Tract[Icon] 1
Res 2015-016/City and Klotz Associates for the provision of professional engineering services in connection with the Wallace Addition - Water And Wastewater Improvements Project in an amount not to exceed $136,645.27[Icon] 30
Res 2015-017Approving the First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Wholesale Power Agreement with LCRA[Icon] 1
Res 2015-018/City and McCamant Consulting, LLC for the provision of Professional Wholesale Power And Utility Consulting Services in the estimated amount of $65,000.00[Icon] 15
Res 2015-019/Master Agreement between the City and Schneider Engineering, Ltd. for the provision of Professional Electrical Engineering Services in the estimated not-to-exceed amount of $2,500,000.00[Icon] 23
Res 2015-020/Wildenthal Tract[Icon] 13
Res 2015-021/Supporting the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District ‎(BSEACD)‎ Application for a Regional Planning Grant from the Texas Water Development Board to assist BSEACD[Icon] 2
Res 2015-022/Lawn maintenance[Icon] 1
Res 2015-023/Interlocal Agreement with the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority ‎(GBRA)‎[Icon] 5
Res 2015-024/CBRE Contract renewal[Icon] 7
Res 2015-025/Awarding a construction contract to Smith Contracting Co., Inc. for the Willow Springs Creek Channel and 24 Inch Wastewater Improvements Project ‎(IFB 215-068)‎ in the bid amount of $2,673,948.00 contingent upon the bidder’s timely submission[Icon] 1
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