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Res 2020-050/approving a third amended and restated Development Agreement in connection with the La Cima Development near the intersection of Old Ranch Road 12 and Wonder World Drive to, among other things, add 129.383 acres of land to the area covered b[Icon] 1
Res 2020-052/approving an agreement for the provision of services in connection with the proposed owner requested annexation of approximately 31 acres of land generally located on the East Side of Highway 123, between Monterey Oak Drive and Old Bastrop H[Icon] 1
Res 2020-053/approving an agreement for the provision of services in connection with the proposed owner requested annexation of approximately 62.48 acres of land generally located at the intersection of Gregsons Bend and Commercial Loop[Icon] 1
Res 2020-054/amending the Community Development Block Grant ‎(CDBG)‎ Action Plan for program year 2019 adopted by Resolution No. 2019-121R to reallocate $67,142.00 from the Unsafe Structures Program to the amount allocated for the Southside Community Cente[Icon] 1
Res 2020-055/approving an agreement with the Leadership San Marcos Class of 2021 providing for its members to construct a cat barn at the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter at no cost to the city; authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute[Icon] 1
Res 2020-056/approving the City Council’s Strategic Initiatives for Fiscal Year 2020-2021[Icon] 7
Res 2020-057/approving an agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management, Inc. through the Texas Interlocal Purchasing System ‎(TIPS)‎ for the lease of thirty-seven light vehicles and the purchase of miscellaneous equipment and maintenance in the estimated amou[Icon] 1
Res 2020-058/approving the sale of a tract of property identified as the Southwesterly 28 feet of Lot 5, Block 11, C.D. Wallace Subdivision, ‎(Hays CAD Parcel ID No. R47051)‎, City of San Marcos, Hays County, Texas acquired by the San Marcos Consolidated In[Icon] 1
Res 2020-059/approving a grant agreement with the United States Department of Justice in the amount of $50,000.00 to assist the City’s Police Department by providing funding to identify and secure a Criminal Justice Information Services ‎(CJIS)‎ compliant i[Icon] 1
Res 2020-060/approving an agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for the preparation of a Risk and Resilience Assessment and Emergency Response Plan for the City’s Water Infrastructure as required by the Federal America’s Water Infrastructure Act in the[Icon] 1
Res 2020-061/approving an agreement with Stanley Consultants, Inc. relating to the San Marcos Electric Utility Master Plan Project in the estimated amount of $400,000.00[Icon] 1
Res 2020-062[Icon] 1
Res 2020-063/approving a release of easements in the Cottonwood Creek Subdivision, subject to the dedication to the city of alternate easements, as appropriate[Icon] 1
Res 2020-064/approving a release of easement in connection with the Riverstone Apartments development at 1430 Wonder World Drive, subject to the dedication to the City of Alternate Easements, as appropriate; authorizing the City Manager, or his designee,[Icon] 5
Res 2020-065/approving a second change order amendment to the participation agreement with Lazy Oaks Ranch, LP providing for the extension of a roadway to the new Fire Station in the La Cima development with a cost participation amount by the City of up t[Icon] 1
Res 2020-066/approving a change order to the construction contract awarded to Santa Clara Construction, Ltd. for construction of sewer mains in the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone to decrease the total contract price by $123,929.52[Icon] 1
Res 2020-067/approving an agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for engineering design services related to a new Lift Station No. Five in the estimated amount of $100,651.00[Icon] 1
Res 2020-068/confirming the City Manager’s appointment of George R. Landry to the San Marcos Civil Service Commission[Icon] 1
Res 2020-069/directing publication of a Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation in the amount of approximately $31,000,000 for constructing, improving, designing and equipping the City's ‎(1)‎ Water and Waste Water System including Meter Upg[Icon] 4
Res 2020-070/adopting revised Investment Policies for Operating Funds and Reserve Funds[Icon] 29
Res 2020-071/approving the renaming of El Camino Real Park to Kenneth M. Copeland Memorial Park; authorizing the City Manager to install any signs and recognition plaques reflecting the new name of the park as may be appropriate[Icon] 2
Res 2020-072/approving a Budget Policy Statement for preparation of the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year budget[Icon] 5
Res 2020-073/approving a lease agreement with Theodore Breihan, doing business as Ted Breihan Electric Company, for the lease of approximately 10,140 square feet of space along Edward Gary Street, east of South LBJ Drive with a rental rate of $3,500.00 pe[Icon] 14
Res 2020-074/under the authority of Section 418.108 of the Texas Government Code, declaring and extending a local state of disaster in the City of San Marcos, Texas due to the Covid-19 Pandemic[Icon] 2
Res 2020-075/awarding a construction contract to Cash Construction Company, Inc. for the Main Lift Station Force Main Replacement Project in the total amount of $9,286,059.00[Icon] 1
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