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Res 2013-149/Approving a contract with Texas Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics unit for on-line vital statistic computer services for the City[Icon] 8
Res 2013-150/Authorizing CM to accept the award of a Emergency Management Performance Grant from DPS[Icon] 1
Res 2013-151/Approving a lease with Martin marietta Materials Southwest, Inc. leasing the City's right to withdraw 450 acre feet of water from the Edwards Aquifer[Icon] 8
Res 2013-152/Authorizing the CM to execute a fourth amended and restated contract for collection and disposal of solid waste and recyclable materials with TDS[Icon] 26
Res 2013-153/Expressing the City's opposition to a proposed truck stop at the intersection of Yarrington Road and IH-35 access road[Icon] 1
Res 2013-154/Approving an economic development incentive agreement with Mensor Corp.[Icon] 7
Res 2013-155‎(a)‎/Approving the purchase of electric materials from Techline in connection with the extension of electric service along Craddock, South of Bishop Street[Icon] 1
Res 2013-155/Approving the annual renewal of the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement with SHI Government solutions for software licenses[Icon] 1
Res 2013-156‎(a)‎/Approving a contract w/Hays County for Public Library Services to Hays County residents[Icon] 7
Res 2013-156/Approving a utility adjustment agreement w/MCI Communications Services, Inc. associated with the Loop 82 overpass project[Icon] 42
Res 2013-157‎(a/)‎Collection Contract for Court fines & fees[Icon] 15
Res 2013-157/Approving the release of an easemenet for sanitary and storm sewer lines due to the relocation of such lines into the public right-of-way as part of phase 1 of the Sessom Creek Wastewater Improvements project[Icon] 3
Res 2013-158‎(a)‎/Awarding a multi-year contract to EBR enterprises for the removal of invasive riparian vegetation and elephant ears[Icon] 1
Res 2013-158/Awarding an annual contract to Utility Construction Company for the provision of highway and street lighting maintenance for the electric utilties division[Icon] 1
Res 2013-159‎(a)‎/Approving an interlocal cooperation contract w/EAA and Texas State University for Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation plan program[Icon] 19
Res 2013-159/Approving a funding contract for WIC program[Icon] 55
Res 2013-160‎(a)‎/Approving an PSAP interlocal agreement w/Capital Area Communications District[Icon] 8
Res 2013-160/Awarding a construction contract to Shirley and Sons Construction Company, Inc. for the SM River Bank Stabilization and Access Point Project[Icon] 2
Res 2013-161‎(a)‎/Approving ILA w/TSU to reimburse the City 62.1 percent to construct a reclaimed waterline for the Sessom Creek Wastewater improvements[Icon] 28
Res 2013-161/Donation of a surplus fire truck to Pink Heals Hays County[Icon] 7
Res 2013-162‎(a)‎/Authorizing the CM to negotiate a sales listing agreement w/CBRE for the sale of 32.61 acres of land known as the Leah Tract[Icon] 1
Res 2013-162/Approving an agreement with the Greater San Marcos Economic Development Corp.[Icon] 13
Res 2013-163‎(a)‎/Approving an agreement w/Halff Assocates for services in connection with the Old Ranch Road 12 bike/ped and widening[Icon] 40
Res 2013-163/Approving an interlocal agreement with Hays County for the relocation of city waterline facilities in connection with a pass through funding agreement w/Hays County and TxDOT to replace the bridge at Yarrington Rd and IH-35[Icon] 13
Res 2013-164‎(a)‎/Approving an developer participation agreement w/C&G development for the construction of a lift station[Icon] 11
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